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Bariatric, Blogs, Cardiometabolic, Functional Medicine, Nutritionists

Over the past several years, we have been instructed on the value of exercise and activity for our heart health. Statistics on the state of heart health in the US are sobering1: In the US, over 2000 people die from heart related illnesses every day (about one every 40 seconds) Every year over 735,000 Americans have a heart attack or myocardial infarct (MI) and of these, over 500,000 are ‘first’ heart attacks Coronary artery disease, the prime cause of MIs…

Over the past several years, we have been instructed on the value of exercise and activity for our heart health. Statistics on the state of heart health in the US are sobering1: In…

Blogs, Cardiometabolic, Nutritionists

Phytosterols, also referred to as plant sterols or stanols, are cholesterol-like molecules found in cell membranes of plants. Unlike cholesterol, however, the body cannot produce phytosterols. Therefore, their main source comes from plant-based foods, such as vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, legumes, and whole grains. There are multiple different types of phytosterols, but sitosterol, stigmasterol, and campesterol are most abundant in commonly consumed foods.. The function of phytosterols is similar to that of cholesterol in the body. Phytosterols may help lower…

Phytosterols, also referred to as plant sterols or stanols, are cholesterol-like molecules found in cell membranes of plants. Unlike cholesterol, however, the body cannot produce phytosterols. Therefore, their main source comes from plant-based…

Articles, Cardiometabolic, Functional Medicine, Integrative, Naturopathic, Nutritionists

by Bianca Garilli, ND The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates the total number of people living with diabetes in 2014 was 422 million, equal to approximately 8.5% of adults worldwide– a majority of whom were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes (T2D). These figures are a staggering increase from the estimated 108 million people, globally, who were diagnosed with diabetes in 1980!1 The United States does not fare any better.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 29.1 million people…

by Bianca Garilli, ND The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates the total number of people living with diabetes in 2014 was 422 million, equal to approximately 8.5% of adults worldwide– a majority of…

Articles, Bariatric, Cardiometabolic, Chiropractic, Functional Medicine, Integrative, Naturopathic, Nutritionists

Patients with diabetes often have numerous comorbid conditions such as obesity, heart disease, kidney disease and hypertension to name a few. Hypertension or high blood pressure (BP), in particular, can lead to increased risks for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), heart failure (HF) and attendant microvascular complications. The last time the American Diabetes Association (ADA) provided a position statement on hypertension was more than 15 years ago. Given the increasing rise in the numbers of people afflicted by diabetes, increased BMI…

Patients with diabetes often have numerous comorbid conditions such as obesity, heart disease, kidney disease and hypertension to name a few. Hypertension or high blood pressure (BP), in particular, can lead to increased…

Articles, Cardiometabolic, Nutritionists, Obesity

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recently released their latest National Diabetes Statistics Report— and the news is not optimistic. The report indicates that one in 10 (30.3 million) US adults has diabetes, while more than one in three–or 84.1 million–has prediabetes. What is even more disconcerting is that 90% of those with prediabetes are not aware of their condition!  As the CDC report notes, most people with prediabetes do not know that they are at high risk to progress to…

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recently released their latest National Diabetes Statistics Report— and the news is not optimistic. The report indicates that one in 10 (30.3 million) US adults has diabetes, while…

Articles, Bariatric, Cardiometabolic, Functional Medicine, Integrative, Naturopathic, Nutritionists, Obesity

A recent article  published in a recent edition of Preventing Chronic Disease: Public Health Research, Practice and Policy proposes a shift from discussing BMI and weight loss with patients in the provider’s office, to focusing on the topics of awareness and education surrounding healthy life habits, physical activity in particular.  Authors Emily Dollar and team encourage an emphasis on cardiorespiratory fitness over body size to minimize the risk of stigma associated with overweight and obesity and increase collaboration between patient and provider.…

A recent article  published in a recent edition of Preventing Chronic Disease: Public Health Research, Practice and Policy proposes a shift from discussing BMI and weight loss with patients in the provider’s office, to focusing…

Articles, Bariatric, Cardiometabolic, Functional Medicine, Integrative, Naturopathic, Nutritionists

A 2009 publication, obesity-induced insulin resistance and hepatic steatosis are alleviated by omega-3 fatty acids: a role for resolvins and protectins can be downloaded here. In this paper, the authors discuss omega-3-polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3-PUFAs), which have well-documented protective effects that are attributed not only to eicosanoid inhibition but also to the formation of novel biologically active lipid mediators (i.e., resolvins and protectins). In this study, we examined their effects on ob/ob mice, an obesity model of insulin resistance and…

A 2009 publication, obesity-induced insulin resistance and hepatic steatosis are alleviated by omega-3 fatty acids: a role for resolvins and protectins can be downloaded here. In this paper, the authors discuss omega-3-polyunsaturated fatty…

Cardiometabolic, Chiropractic, Functional Medicine, Integrative, Naturopathic, Nutritionists, Video

Novel Pro-Resolving Mediators and Mechanisms in Inflammation presented by Jesmond Dalli, PhD for ASPEN Clinical Nutrition Week 2015 This presentation, entitled Novel Pro-Resolving Mediators and Mechanisms in Inflammation: Immunoresolvents is delivered by Dr. Jesmond Dalli and Dr. Charles N. Serhan. They are preeminent researchers in the field of inflammation resolution and share their insights at ASPEN 2015. They have recently published some of their findings on inflammation resolution along with the mechanisms they have uncovered regarding inflammation. The talk focuses…

Novel Pro-Resolving Mediators and Mechanisms in Inflammation presented by Jesmond Dalli, PhD for ASPEN Clinical Nutrition Week 2015 This presentation, entitled Novel Pro-Resolving Mediators and Mechanisms in Inflammation: Immunoresolvents is delivered by Dr.…

Articles, Cardiometabolic, Functional Medicine, Naturopathic, Nutritionists

by Bianca Garilli, ND  Often considered a disease of the older population, recent reports are indicating that an estimated 10% of stroke victims are less than 50 years of age and, according to a recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), ischemic stroke rates have risen in young adults aged between 24-50 years.1 The study further points out that hospitalization rates for stroke have also increased for both women and men—nearly double in the case of men. Research conducted…

by Bianca Garilli, ND  Often considered a disease of the older population, recent reports are indicating that an estimated 10% of stroke victims are less than 50 years of age and, according to a recent…

Articles, Cardiometabolic, Functional Medicine, Naturopathic, Nutritionists

by Bianca Garilli, ND  Obesity rates have reached epidemic proportions globally and have been shown to adversely influence many clinical markers of health However, the data are sparse with regards to the effect maternal obesity may have on fetal and neonatal outcomes.    A recent report in Lancet, by Di Cesare et al, showed that the number of women aged 18 years and older with a BMI of > 35 (obesity class II and III) doubled from approximately 50 million to 100 million worldwide between…

by Bianca Garilli, ND  Obesity rates have reached epidemic proportions globally and have been shown to adversely influence many clinical markers of health However, the data are sparse with regards to the effect…

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