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Search Results for: Probiotic


by Melissa Blake, ND Immune resilience has never been more important or desired than in the past year. As a result of a global pandemic, patients and practitioners alike are seeking effective solutions to ensure a robust immune defense. Outside of the current COVID-19 concerns, respiratory tract infections (RTIs) pose a significant burden and are, in children, elderly, and immunocompromised individuals, the most prevalent diseases globally.1 A well-balanced gut microbiota is associated with protection against various diseases, including respiratory infections,…

by Melissa Blake, ND Immune resilience has never been more important or desired than in the past year. As a result of a global pandemic, patients and practitioners alike are seeking effective solutions…


This is a recording of a presentation given by Dr. Noelle Patno and Dr. Jennifer Ryan in June 2020, at the “Next Gen Microbiome and Probiotics” virtual conference. This presentation includes an overview of specific microbiota, F. prausnitzii and A. muciniphila, that have been described as next generation microbes and bioindicators of health. Challenges for delivering these microbiota directly as probiotic supplements are also explained. Dietary modification, prebiotics, and supplementation with specific strains of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are described as…

This is a recording of a presentation given by Dr. Noelle Patno and Dr. Jennifer Ryan in June 2020, at the “Next Gen Microbiome and Probiotics” virtual conference. This presentation includes an overview…


In this Clinical Minute, Nikky Contractor, PhD discusses the most important factors for healthcare provider to consider when selecting a probiotic for their patient. Important strategies include: Make sure that the probiotic has been identified by its genus, species, and strain. Ensure that probiotics are used in a targeted way for a particular condition. Understand the clinical research that supports the use of a particular probiotic for a specific condition.    

In this Clinical Minute, Nikky Contractor, PhD discusses the most important factors for healthcare provider to consider when selecting a probiotic for their patient. Important strategies include: Make sure that the probiotic has been…


by Molly Knudsen, MS, RDN and Noelle Patno, PhD It’s no secret that digestive conditions, especially chronic conditions, are commonplace. The most recent data from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) estimates that 60 to 70 million people in the United States are affected by some type of digestive disease.1 However, that data is from 2009, and likely, the overall burden of digestive disease is much higher today. The financial burden of gastrointestinal diseases is also substantial. Health care expenditure…

by Molly Knudsen, MS, RDN and Noelle Patno, PhD It’s no secret that digestive conditions, especially chronic conditions, are commonplace. The most recent data from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) estimates that…


by Melissa Blake, ND Introduction As clinicians, we all want to make effective, safe recommendations, and the evidence of safety is an essential consideration prior to prescribing an intervention. Safety of probiotics is no exception.  With evidence mounting on the many benefits and overall safety profile, it’s not surprising that probiotic supplementation quadrupled between 2007 and 2012.1 With a few considerations, probiotic therapy is generally accepted as safe and well-tolerated, particularly in healthy people. However, few studies have specifically addressed…

by Melissa Blake, ND Introduction As clinicians, we all want to make effective, safe recommendations, and the evidence of safety is an essential consideration prior to prescribing an intervention. Safety of probiotics is…


by Sara Gottfried, MD and Noelle Patno, PhD As our understanding of the gut microbiome expands, many questions remain about the clinical relevance—particularly how emerging concepts translate into the front lines of patient care, including best practices for probiotics. What is a probiotic? Why use one, and what are the most well-substantiated clinical situations in which they affect patient outcomes? What is the mechanism of action for probiotics? How do we know probiotics “work” in our patients? How can I…

by Sara Gottfried, MD and Noelle Patno, PhD As our understanding of the gut microbiome expands, many questions remain about the clinical relevance—particularly how emerging concepts translate into the front lines of patient…

Introduction The body of probiotic research, as well as probiotic use, is growing. Data from the 2012 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) show probiotics to be the third most commonly used dietary supplement other than vitamins and minerals, and the use of probiotics quadrupled between 2007 and 2012.1 As public awareness of probiotics continues to expand, it is important for healthcare practitioners to increase their understanding of probiotic research and literacy surrounding probiotic definitions and use.2 In 2013, the International…

Introduction The body of probiotic research, as well as probiotic use, is growing. Data from the 2012 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) show probiotics to be the third most commonly used dietary supplement…


by Melissa Blake, ND Introduction The use of probiotics has grown substantially over the last several years. Propelled by development in sequencing methods and analytical techniques, we are now able to identify and study specific probiotic strains. This had led to a significant increase in the understanding of the importance of a healthy microbiome and the various ways probiotic strains may influence human health.1 With this increase in demand and knowledge of potential benefit, it is important for healthcare practitioners…

by Melissa Blake, ND Introduction The use of probiotics has grown substantially over the last several years. Propelled by development in sequencing methods and analytical techniques, we are now able to identify and…

Kurt Waples, DC presents a Nutrition Masters Course on probiotic science and clinical application. The webinar will begin with a brief history of intestinal microbiome science is presented, including pioneering researchers in the fields of microbiology and immunology. Next, the relationship between the microbiome and human health is explored, with a focus on the gut microbiota and factors that influence the composition or activity of gut bacteria. Specific probiotic strains (e.g. L. salivarius UCC118; B. animalis ssp lactis 420) and their benefits from the literature are…

Kurt Waples, DC presents a Nutrition Masters Course on probiotic science and clinical application. The webinar will begin with a brief history of intestinal microbiome science is presented, including pioneering researchers in the…

Cardiometabolic, Digestive, Obesity

by Lewis Chang, PhD and Noelle Patno, PhD New research continues to demonstrate that the benefits of probiotics are strain-specific,1 and their effects go beyond supporting digestive health. A recent example is the strain Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis 420 (B420), which was previously shown in a 6-month randomized clinical trial to support weight management in adults affected by overweight or obesity.2 Recently, new data analysis from that study found other potentially beneficial metabolic benefits associated with B420.3 The original trial…

by Lewis Chang, PhD and Noelle Patno, PhD New research continues to demonstrate that the benefits of probiotics are strain-specific,1 and their effects go beyond supporting digestive health. A recent example is the…

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