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Search Results for: Probiotic


In this presentation Gail Cresci, PhD, RD reviews how digestive health is enhanced when the gut microbiome is rich in diverse micro flora. This diversity is supported when preferred energy sources for the bacteria are available and support the viability of microbiota. The importance of these combinations lies in the fact that a metabolic environment is created which in turns provides protection of the gut barrier, optimal immune response and normal gut function and influences on a variety of other…

In this presentation Gail Cresci, PhD, RD reviews how digestive health is enhanced when the gut microbiome is rich in diverse micro flora. This diversity is supported when preferred energy sources for the…


Probiotics Video Animation This animation is designed for the educational use of clinicians and patients. The human gut is home to over 100 trillion bacterial cells, known as the gut microbiota. The bacteria are diverse and contain mostly “good” bacteria that help process the foods we consume and produce vitamins and short-chain fatty acids that help our bodies to function. The gut bacteria also produce metabolites that communicate with the brain and the rest of the body. They may influence…

Probiotics Video Animation This animation is designed for the educational use of clinicians and patients. The human gut is home to over 100 trillion bacterial cells, known as the gut microbiota. The bacteria…


Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is a disorder characterized by an excessive concentration of bacteria in the small intestine (exceeding 105 organisms/mL). Patients with SIBO commonly report abdominal pain, flatulence, bloating, and diarrhea, and may experience malabsorption and weight loss in more severe cases.1 The standard regimen to manage SIBO has been antibiotic therapy, but this may disrupt the normal balance of the gut microbiota and can increases the risk of developing antibiotic resistance. Further, the antibiotics used are often bacteriostatic, not…

Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is a disorder characterized by an excessive concentration of bacteria in the small intestine (exceeding 105 organisms/mL). Patients with SIBO commonly report abdominal pain, flatulence, bloating, and diarrhea, and…

Over the past decade, increasing evidence has linked the intestinal microbiome with regulation of body weight and body fat mass. Preclinical research on the probiotic strain Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis 420 (B420) demonstrates improved intestinal barrier function, satiety signaling, body weight, and body fat regulation. A 6-month clinical study in obese men and women demonstrated that B420 helped control body fat and weight, as well as reduced energy intake and promoted short-chain fatty acid production. Download the PDF: Probiotic 420 and…

Over the past decade, increasing evidence has linked the intestinal microbiome with regulation of body weight and body fat mass. Preclinical research on the probiotic strain Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis 420 (B420) demonstrates…


This presentation, entitled, “Probiotics: From Basic Science to Clinical Application” was delivered by Eamon M Quigley, MD at the ASPEN Symposium in February 2015. Dr. Quigley is the Chief of the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at Houston Methodist Hospital in Texas. His presentation begins with a definition of probiotics and discussion of the health benefits they can have on the body. Current clinical applications for probiotics include diarrheal illnesses, necrotizing enterocolitis, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and liver…

This presentation, entitled, “Probiotics: From Basic Science to Clinical Application” was delivered by Eamon M Quigley, MD at the ASPEN Symposium in February 2015. Dr. Quigley is the Chief of the Division of…


by Yekta Dowlati, PhD According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 2 billion adults globally are overweight, with 650 million classified as obese. Projections suggest that, if current trends persist, the number of overweight adults could reach 2.7 billion by 2025, with the obese population surpassing 1 billion.1,2 Obesity, a complex condition, emerges from an interplay of genetic, societal, and environmental factors and induces metabolic alterations, including changes in gut microbiota, systemic inflammation, and intestinal barrier dysfunction.3,4 Approximately 31%…

by Yekta Dowlati, PhD According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 2 billion adults globally are overweight, with 650 million classified as obese. Projections suggest that, if current trends persist, the number…

Cardiometabolic, Foundational, Obesity

Akkermansia muciniphila is a unique mucin-loving keystone species residing in the human gastrointestinal tract, purportedly offering health benefits, especially in the realms of metabolic health and obesity.1 Clinical investigations exploring A. muciniphila supplementation in overweight and obese cohorts seek to elucidate its potential impact on metabolic parameters, adiposity, and other health metrics. Studies consistently show reduced abundance in obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and other metabolic conditions.2 Intervention studies in animals demonstrated A. muciniphila administration reversed high-fat diet-induced metabolic disorders,…

Akkermansia muciniphila is a unique mucin-loving keystone species residing in the human gastrointestinal tract, purportedly offering health benefits, especially in the realms of metabolic health and obesity.1 Clinical investigations exploring A. muciniphila supplementation…

Digestive, Foundational

by Kyle Perkovich, BS In the intricate ecosystem of the human gut, a new frontier is emerging, marked by the strategic paring of probiotics and prebiotics working synergistically to help provide optimal gut health and well-being. This combination, known as synbiotics, is gaining prominence for its potential to enhance gut health and immune function. As research has advanced, the role of our gut microbiota has become increasingly recognized as a vital part of overall health, influencing not only proper digestion,…

by Kyle Perkovich, BS In the intricate ecosystem of the human gut, a new frontier is emerging, marked by the strategic paring of probiotics and prebiotics working synergistically to help provide optimal gut…


by Lewis Chang, PhD Not all heroes are muscle-bound and wear capes. There is a tiny, almost invisible, hero that lives in our gut and promotes our health and wellbeing. Its name, Akkermansia muciniphila, may be a mouthful, but it’s time to get to know this hero better, as its health-promoting effects have earned it the reputation as a next-generation beneficial bacteria.1 Gut health is intricately connected to human health in ways that surprise us. Our gut is home to…

by Lewis Chang, PhD Not all heroes are muscle-bound and wear capes. There is a tiny, almost invisible, hero that lives in our gut and promotes our health and wellbeing. Its name, Akkermansia…


Angela Kelly, MA and Michael Stanclift, ND This is the last installment of a three-part series on bacterial vaginosis (BV). In part one, we discussed a healthy vaginal microbiome, symptoms, and diagnostic criteria. In part two , we highlighted the risk factors that contribute to BV, the health impacts it can cause, and conventional antimicrobial treatments, along with their propensity for resistance. As we saw in part two , conventional antimicrobials often only temporarily resolve BV, and contribute to antibiotic resistance. For…

Angela Kelly, MA and Michael Stanclift, ND This is the last installment of a three-part series on bacterial vaginosis (BV). In part one, we discussed a healthy vaginal microbiome, symptoms, and diagnostic criteria.…

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