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Search Results for: Probiotic


Angela Kelly, MA and Michael Stanclift, ND This is part two in a three-part series about bacterial vaginosis (BV). In part one we discussed a healthy vaginal microbiome, BV’s characteristics, and diagnostic criteria. In this section, we’ll explore risk factors for developing BV, the health impacts of it, and current conventional therapies. BV risk factors While the precise causes of BV are still being investigated, researchers have discovered the following risk factors that can contribute to its development: Having a sexual…

Angela Kelly, MA and Michael Stanclift, ND This is part two in a three-part series about bacterial vaginosis (BV). In part one we discussed a healthy vaginal microbiome, BV’s characteristics, and diagnostic criteria. In…


Angela Kelly, MA and Michael Stanclift, ND In part one of this three-part series, we’ll discuss a healthy vaginal microbiome, symptoms, and the diagnostic criteria of bacterial vaginosis (BV). A healthy vaginal microbiome The vaginal microbiome is the lesser-known heroine of the body's microbiomes and the first line of defense against pathogens that can cause infections.1-5 Like the gut microbiome, the vaginal microbiome is seeded from mother to daughter and the surrounding environment within 24 hours of birth.6-7Hormonal fluctuations related…

Angela Kelly, MA and Michael Stanclift, ND In part one of this three-part series, we’ll discuss a healthy vaginal microbiome, symptoms, and the diagnostic criteria of bacterial vaginosis (BV). A healthy vaginal microbiome…

Urogenital recurrent infections affect millions of women because of the dramatic shifts in urogenital bacterial composition and concentrations. Even though most patients get improvement with antimicrobial treatment, the recurrence rate is high and associated with systemic side effects. Probiotics are healthy bacterial strains that not only improve the digestive system but also prevent and address urogenital infections and maintain vaginal health. The combination of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1® and Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14® probiotic strains has shown positive benefits in women with bacterial vaginosis (BV), urinary tract infections (UTI), and vulvovaginal…

Urogenital recurrent infections affect millions of women because of the dramatic shifts in urogenital bacterial composition and concentrations. Even though most patients get improvement with antimicrobial treatment, the recurrence rate is high and…


by Melissa Blake, ND Metabolic detoxification is a complex set of coordinating systems working together to neutralize and eliminate toxic substances from the body. It is an amazing and intricate design. As suggested by design expert Irene Au, just like any good design, “when it works, no one notices, but when it doesn’t, it sure stinks.” Patients know far too well just how much it does stink. Excess toxic burden (too much in, not enough out) has been associated with…

by Melissa Blake, ND Metabolic detoxification is a complex set of coordinating systems working together to neutralize and eliminate toxic substances from the body. It is an amazing and intricate design. As suggested…


by Lewis Chang, PhD A century ago, the global average life expectancy of humans was around 32 years. Today, it is 73. Because we live much longer, aging is now a major risk factor for a myriad of modern-day chronic illnesses. For scientists to study aging-related health issues, one must find a scientific way to measure aging, a quantifiable biochemical marker that reflects our biological age, so to speak. Having the ability to detect changes in such a biomarker will…

by Lewis Chang, PhD A century ago, the global average life expectancy of humans was around 32 years. Today, it is 73. Because we live much longer, aging is now a major risk…


by Noelle Patno, PhD The common cold is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract. Viruses that cause colds include more than a hundred different kinds of rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and many more. No wonder adults get colds 2-3 times a year on average and with even higher frequency for children and college students. As the most common human illness that leads to missed work and school, colds stay prevalent due to the many variants…

by Noelle Patno, PhD The common cold is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract. Viruses that cause colds include more than a hundred different kinds of rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, influenza, respiratory syncytial…


by Melissa Blake, ND A happy immune system is an important component of wellness. In light of the recent flu outbreak associated with the Coronavirus (COVID-19), the task associated with supporting immune health has become increasingly significant. Avoiding illness is not always possible, but there are several steps healthcare providers can help patients put in place to support immune health and reduce the risk of getting sick, as well as minimize duration and complications if they do. Please keep in…

by Melissa Blake, ND A happy immune system is an important component of wellness. In light of the recent flu outbreak associated with the Coronavirus (COVID-19), the task associated with supporting immune health…

Digestive, Foundational

by Melissa Blake, ND and Noelle Patno, PhD Introduction The human microbiome and its impact on health has become a hot topic and potent interest for clinicians and researchers alike. The interest should not come as a surprise, as research and clinical evidence have repeatedly demonstrated the significance of a healthy microbiome. Disruptions, specifically in the gut microbiome, have been linked to a plethora of diseases and conditions ranging from obesity to cognitive decline.1 The microbiome plays an essential role…

by Melissa Blake, ND and Noelle Patno, PhD Introduction The human microbiome and its impact on health has become a hot topic and potent interest for clinicians and researchers alike. The interest should…


Host: Deanna Minich, PhD Guest: Ali Miller, RD "One person’s superfood can be another’s kryptonite.” – Ali Miller, RD In this discussion, Ali Miller, RD, and Deanna Minich, PhD explore all things food and mood. Their conversations provides an overview of the gut-brain axis and the role that the gut and microbiome play in mood. Ali opens the discussion by describing her personal experience with anxiety. Her unexplained symptoms helped her realize the impact stress could have on the HPA-axis, and…

Host: Deanna Minich, PhD Guest: Ali Miller, RD "One person’s superfood can be another’s kryptonite.” – Ali Miller, RD In this discussion, Ali Miller, RD, and Deanna Minich, PhD explore all things food and…


Host: Deanna Minich, PhD Guest: Carrie Jones, ND, MPH “Hormones control so much of who we are.” - Deanna Minich, PhD In this discussion, Carrie Jones, ND, MPH and Deanna Minich, PhD explore the nitty gritty of hormones, which control and impact so many body functions and health conditions. They delve into estrogen metabolism and detoxification pathways and how that biochemistry impacts our physiology and can manifest as hormonal symptoms. Dr. Jones opens the discussion by making an important distinction—differentiating the…

Host: Deanna Minich, PhD Guest: Carrie Jones, ND, MPH “Hormones control so much of who we are.” - Deanna Minich, PhD In this discussion, Carrie Jones, ND, MPH and Deanna Minich, PhD explore the…

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